Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Vision for the Chicken

So back when my husband and I were in college one apartment we had was on the second floor, and the hall was covered but still outside. One day the couple that lived diagonal from us across the hall had some friends over.
So, they pulled out their little grill into the hallway. Our windows are open because it's summertime, and all of a sudden in this loud, slow, 'trying to sound cool voice' (come on we all have one even if we don't pull it out very often) we hear.  "Hey babe what's your vision for this chicken?" And then we hear this screech of a response, "Just put it on the grill!"
It was so funny that we couldn't help it,  we just burst out laughing and had to close our window. And that started being our phrase, "Hey babe what's your vision for this chicken?" It doesn't matter if we're talking about food or not. We could be taking about a table, craft, project, window or anything else under the sun; if one of us doesn't know what the other one has planned we ask, "Hey babe what's your vision for this chicken?"
And a disclaimer for the poor woman who sounded like a shrieking eel, we later found out she was pregnant. And as any pregnant woman and her husband know, that stuff is full of craziness.  (Shrieking eel is a Princess Bride reference.  For those of you who haven't seen it- Amazon Prime it and have a movie night in a couple of days :) )

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