-glass jar
-using pliers curl wire to be able to hold the wick up from the bottom of the jar, and in the center of the bottom of the jar
-put wick in place
-put wire and wick in mason jar
-add oil
-light wick
By the way:
-The wick we made from flannel, but you could use a store bought wick or any cotton fabric. After cutting the flannel into three very thin strips about 6 inches long, I braided them together and that was it.
-Any NON-galvanized wire is fine. Galvanized wire releases toxins when it burns.
-You may want to create a type of handle out of the wire to be able to lift the wick out of the jar to light it.
-Any size glass jar is good, you'll just need to adjust your wick holder to the size of your jar.
-We burned vegetable oil, but any type of oil should work. From reading other people's posts and seeing their videos, olive oil is the safest (it has a higher flash point) and it burns brighter.
-Fire is very dangerous, and fire and oil (just like fire and gasoline) can be even more dangerous. Use caution. You make and use this at your own risk.
p.s. I have posted this before, but it almost/did get deleted. I was able to save the writing, but not the original post.
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