Monday, January 5, 2015

Cloth Diapers: Sanity Intact 1

We've been doing cloth diapers here at the Woods' for almost 2 years now. And, I can definitely say that any sanity we've lost during this time hasn't been due to using cloth diapers. :)

For anyone wonder how to do cloth diapers as cheap as possible, with their sanity intact, this is the post for you! I'll talk about what to get in this post, and in another post I'll talk about how to use all of it!

*A note before we start though - I cannot be responsible for what you choose to do with your child and their diapering needs. Some children are more sensitive than others and have different needs. Figure out what your kid needs, and if you have concerns, talk with their pediatrician.*

To start off, you'll need

  1. Flat cloth diapers
  2. Diaper covers
  3. Detergent
  4. Diaper bucket
Now, to do this on the cheap - first look around online for deals on flat diapers. What you're looking for are birdseye (cotton) flat cloth diapers; one size fits all at 27x27 inches. Something like this is what I'm talking about. Step two of doing this on the cheap - forget the Snappis and clothespins. You're not going to need them doing them this way. (You'll also save your sanity by forgetting them because you won't be trying to learn crazy wraps and folds!) 

The next thing you'll need are diaper covers - one size fits all will save your sanity because they're so easy to adjust and they're easy for babysitters too. We have Rumparooz, Thirsties, and Flip diaper covers. The Flip covers are my favorite and my husband's favorite. He goes with the Flip every time he changes a diaper around here. We started with the Flip because they were on sale... we tried the others because we wanted more covers with baby #2 & the others were on sale when we were shopping. Really, all three work great. Thirsties does have 2 sizes which puts them down a notch because sometimes I can't remember which diaper is which size before looking at the tag. 

The third thing you'll need is something to wash the diapers and the covers with. 

For the diapers: This really depends on your baby's bottom. If they have sensitive skin, you'll want to use something that's for sensitive skin. I prefer to use Tide Original Powder Detergent on all of our diapers. I used Arm & Hammer Powder Detergent before for an extended period of time as well, and that worked just fine. You'll also need something to "strip" them with occasionally (we'll talk more about that in another post if someone comments and asks). Bleach and Dawn Dish Detergent are fabulous for that.

For the diaper covers: I am pretty sure than each manufacturer has specific detergents that they'll warranty their diaper if you use than kind (blah, blah, blah). The thing is, I know that I'd never go through the pains of talking with their representatives, mailing a diaper cover back, and waiting for a new cover, even if something did go wrong. If you're worried or willing to do all that, then follow their instructions. For those of you who aren't worried or willing...I use Arm & Hammer Powder Laundry Detergent - Clean Burst on all of my covers. I used Tide once, on one of my diaper covers...and it came back too was no longer waterproof. I was able to re-waterproof it, but lesson learned - no Tide on my covers. 

The last thing you'll need is a diaper bucket...sounds so fancy. Get a 5 gallon bucket with a lid. Use a trash bag as a liner. Done. Fancy as that. 

So that's it! The four things you'll need to do cloth diapers; sanity intact!